Middle School: Math

Listed below are the standards/guidelines for the particular areas of the St. John Middle School Math program.

6th Grade

Text: Holt McDougal Mathematics—Grade 6 (Common Core Edition)

Topics covered include:

  • Whole Number Operations and Properties
  • Rational Numbers — Theory and Operations
    Decimals, fractions and per cents—all operations and conversions
    Proportional reasoning
  • Introduction to Algebra
    Recognize and evaluate expressions
    Formulate and solve one step equations
  • Data Collection and Analysis
    Calculate, identify and interpret measures of central tendency
    Create a variety of data displays and interpret data shown in displays
  • Measurement and Geometry
    Apply customary and metric measurement units
    Convert measurements between different units
    Find perimeter and area of quadrilaterals, triangles, and combined shapes
    Find volume and surface area of simple prisms
  • Introduction to Integers and Integer Operations

7th Grade

Text: Holt McDougal Mathematics—Grade 7 (Common Core Edition)

Topics covered include:

  • Algebraic Reasoning:
    Simplify expressions
    Solve 1 & 2-step equations
    Apply algebra concepts to real world problem solving
  • Rational Numbers:
    Calculate with all operations in all formats ( fractions, decimals, and per cents)
    Recognize equivalent values and convert between formats
    Solve percent of change problems
    Solve simple and compound interest problems
  • Integers:
    Calculate with all operations and
    evaluate multi step problems following the correct order of operations
    Also work with negatives on rational numbers
  • Proportional Reasoning:
    Solve proportions using multiple methods
    Solve problems involving geometric figures, scale models and proportional measurements
    Create models to represent the proportions.
  • Graphs:
    Use the coordinate plane and ordered pairs to graph lines
    Find slope of a line and describe slope as a rate of change
    Interpret qualitative graphs
  • Data Displays and Statistics:
    Explore population and sample size through experimental activities
    Find and display measures of central tendency and quartiles
  • Geometry and Measurement:
    Classify all angle types and describe angle pair relationships
    Examine angles within polygons and determine congruency
    Find perimeter and area of circles and irregular figures
    Find volume and surface area of 3-dimensional figures
  • Probability:
    Understand and calculate experimental and theoretical probability
    Determine dependent and independent events, and explain their effect on probability
    Explore combinations and permutations

8th Grade

Text: Holt McDougal Mathematics—Grade 8 (Common Core Edition)

Topics covered include:

  • Real and Rational Number Systems:
    Compute using operations with integers and rational numbers
    Calculate with exponents and square roots
    Work with scientific notation
  • Equations and Inequalities:
    Solve simple and complex equations with multiple operations and variables on both sides
    Solve and graph inequalities
    Solve systems of equations
  • Geometry:
    Find perimeter and area of regular and complex shapes
    Apply the Pythagorean Theorem
  • Rates, Ratios, and Proportions:
    Applications of proportions including solving percent problems with proportions
  • Functions:
    Recognize graphical functions
    Write and linear functions using intercepts and using slope formula
    Determine slope of lines, including perpendicular and parallel lines
    Identify quadratic functions
    Solve quadratic equations by guess and check
  • Data, Analysis, and Probability:
    Create and interpret a variety of data displays
    Calculate Theoretical and experimental probability with independent and dependent events
  • Polynomials:
    Apply laws of Exponents to polynomials
    Perform computations with polynomials