St. John
Parish Events (Image Galleries)

On September 30th, St. John had it's annual Oktoberfest. There was great German food, German beer, and a polka band. It was a wonderful evening and crowd.

See how they Holy Triduum was celebrated at St. John this year, from Holy Thursday's Mass of the Lord's Supper through the Easter Vigil on Saturday night!

On March 16, 2017, Archbishop James P. Keleher visited St. John to celebrate the Confirmation Mass. Click here to see some images from the Mass.

Recently Archbishop Naumann came to St. John for a pastoral visit. He celebrated the 11:00am Mass, which was followed by a reception in the St. Bosco Room.

St. John welcomed performance painter and Archdiocese of KCK native Mike Debus for an evening of Art and Adoration to help prepare our hearts this Lent.

The house that once served as a convent has now moved across the St. John parking lot, and will become an office for the parish staff! See pictures of the move here.

St. John parish serves monthly at LINK (Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen), and recently our staff volunteered. See the gallery here.

Soil has been sampled and tested, and the convent walls have been braced for a move across the parking lot -- keep up with the action here!

Take a look at our inaugural Trunk-Or-Treat afternoon to celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints at St. John. Thanks to all who participated!

On July 30 our parishioners rolled out their smokers, threw up their tents and served some mighty fine BBQ with all the fixins, all to help our building project!

On June 24 and 25 St. John hosted the annual Mexican Fiesta, complete with authentic Mexican food and drink, music, dancing, and plenty of fun!

Students from preschool through grade five took part in Vacation Bible School at St. John. The theme this year: Parachute with the Angels!

In case you missed last year's festivities, here are some images from the 2015 Fiesta, a celebration of Mexican culture in the Lawrence community!