Suggest a Topic
Do you have a topic you would like to have discussed at a session of St. John Café? Maybe its something from today’s headlines, or a question about church history. Whatever it is, feel free to submit your suggestion below for consideration!
What is St. John Café?
St. John Café is an opportunity to have time in fellowship with your fellow parishioners in a relaxed environment with good coffee, pastries, and engaging conversation on the Catholic faith moderated by one of the parish priests. You can ask all those burning questions!
Don’t worry if you can’t make it every week … each Sunday is something new. Come when you can, and bring family and friends!
Where and When?
St. John Café runs from September through May, and is every Sunday from 9:30 until 10:30 a.m. in the St. Bosco Room, located in the lower level of the school (unless noted in the bulletin or weekly email). You can drop in any time and all are welcome (bring your kids)!
What Can I Expect?
Expect to have your questions answered! Although there will often be a specific topic for the day, bring your questions just in case .. we would love to address them.
First 15 minutes: Fellowship, coffee, and pastries.
After That: Q&A about the topic of your choice or designated topic