Stewardship of


Sacrificial Giving is a spiritually motivated way for us to carry out the stewardship of our treasure. As followers of Christ Jesus, we are reminded that all things including life itself are a gift from God. When considering our household budget, we are called as responsible stewards to recognize the needs of God’s Church here on earth, both within our parish and in the greater community.

There are six characteristics to help us become good financial stewards:

1.   Give intentionally by developing a plan and following through with it.
2.   Give regularly by establishing a pattern.
3.   Give generously by recognizing that God provides for us.
4.   Give first by sharing our first fruits and living off of the rest.
5.   Give proportionally based on the blessings we have received.
6.   Give cheerfully by recognizing the benefits our offerings provide the parish.

Begin your financial stewardship journey with prayerful consideration of the many treasures you have been given. Strive to recognize those treasures are a gift from God and should be shared to carry on God’s spiritual works. Make a pledge to give of your first fruits. Rejoice in the many ministries at Saint John which your contributions support. Understand that Stewardship of Sacrificial Giving is a lifetime effort which requires us to revisit continually to be a truly faithful steward.

There are many types of gifts

Financial Pledge/Monthly Giving:

In addition to being an instrument for making financial contributions to the parish, the weekly envelope or online giving can serve as a concrete expression of gratitude and sacrifice during the celebration of the Eucharist.

Planned Giving:

Leaving a gift through your will, establishing a charitable remainder trust, creating a gift annuity, or designating Saint John as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy are just a few of the ways you can plan now to make a difference in the future.

In-Kind Gifts:

In-Kind Gifts, such as labor and materials, can have a major positive impact on the Church. For example, if you own or work for an excavation, construction, electrical or plumbing company, your company may choose to donate its services and/or materials to the Church. This can be done pro bono or at a reduced rate. Tax benefits may apply for these gifts.

Donor-Specified Gifts:

Parishioners are welcome to dedicate funds for particular parish needs—such as library books, vestments, and candles.

Stock Gifts:

Gifts of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds that have increased in value during your ownership can result in tax savings. If your portfolio has incurred losses, you can use those losses to reduce your taxable income.

There are many ways to commit to giving regularly

Automatic Withdrawal:

Use automatic withdrawal through Online Giving. Contact Cris Denning, (785) 843-0109,, to arrange your online giving account.

Weekly Envelopes:

Upon registering at St. John you will receive weekly giving envelopes. Also included are envelopes for special occasions/donations (flowers for Easter, Mother's Day, etc.) that can be given in honor/remembrance of a loved one.

Give to Special Funds:

Contact Cris Denning, (785) 843-0109,, to get more information on the funds currently available to accept donations.

Each one of you has received a special grace, so,
like good stewards responsible for all these varied graces of God,
put it at the service of others.

~ 1 Peter 4:10 ~