January 15, 2017

An interfaith network working for justice in Lawrence

Blessing our Calendars

As we begin 2017 we remember when making resolutions, best intentions and plans that all we do and all we say is to praise and give glory to God by keeping the two great commandments to love God and love neighbor. We do that by fulfilling our scriptural imperatives to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God.

As you bless your calendars, electronic schedules and appointment books with important birthday, anniversary and special occasions you want to remember and observe, please consider blessing these dates by setting them aside as an intentional way to do justice.

The first date to think about, although it is only for Justice Matters network members, is the Solutions Briefing on March 14. This is the occasion for the five research groups on mental health crisis care, early interventions for childhood trauma, affordable housing, jail alternatives and racism to update the membership and bring for approval the outlines for probable solutions that will be proposed to decision makers at the Nehemiah Action Assembly. It is possible for non-members who are interested to attend as a guest of a network member. Contact someone you know who is a member or use the contact information at the end of this article.

The second date is the most important because it is here that we bring the people power we represent to support system changes that will be more just and fair for brothers and sisters in need. The goal for St. John Parish is to bring 250 parishioners as part of the projected assembly of 2000 people to the Lied Center on March 30. Bless your calendar by circling this date and guarding it so you can do your part to help bring justice to Lawrence. Tickets will be available from network members for the event. We will make every effort to contact all parishioners but contact information changes and some people aren’t registered so if you don’t receive a call you can contact us for tickets. We are aware that some people will need rides and we’ll facilitate that in the best way we can. Please help us reach our goal of bringing 250 St. John supporters to the Nehemiah Action Assembly by joining the assembly on this date.

For more information about Justice Matters and the issues we are currently researching and studying you can contact either Joe Snyder joesnyder42@gmail.com or Pat Lechtenberg plek10berg@aol.com, or visit the website: